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Book an appointment


Moni's Moments offers you the opportunity to book an appointment - enjoy our exclusive attention and our experts' professional consultancy. We are here to help you design the perfect piece of jewelry. 

Book an appointmnet

Meet us at Moni's Moments by booking an appointment.
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  • Select Agent
  • Select Date & Time
  • Enter Information
  • Verify Order Details
  • Sikeres foglalás


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Select Service

Please select a service for which you want to schedule an appointment

Select Service Extras

Select service extras you want to add to your booking.

Select Agent

You can pick a specific agent to perform your service or select any to automatically assign you one

Select Date & Time

Click on a date to see a timeline of available slots, click on a green time slot to reserve it

Enter Information

Please provide you contact details so we can send you a confirmation and other contact info

Verify Order Details

Double check your reservation details and click submit button if everything is correct

Sikeres foglalás

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Call (858) 939-3746 for help

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Service Selection
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Date & Time Selection
Customer Information
Foglalásod részletei
Sikeres foglalás
Moni's Diamond Budapest
1051 Budapest, October 6 streets 6.
Moni's Diamond Boutique Balatonfüred
8230 Balatonfüred, Zákonyi Ferenc utca 3/B

Enjoy our exclusive attention!

At Moni's, it is possible to book an appointment and enjoy the exclusive attention of our experts.

The advantages of planning ahead

At Moni's, we have a decade of experience helping our customers make their dreams come true. With personalized attention and expertise, we are at your side to ensure that the jewelry you choose will give you a lifetime of brilliance.

Ékszerszakértőink segítségével találja meg az eljegyzési gyűrűt a kérdéshez, amelyre a válasz a valaha hallott legszebb igen lesz.


Buying from a certified jewelry store with the help of an expert team means premium quality.


We encourage our customers to come in with a set budget, as this will allow us to offer the best in the category.


There is no perfect jewelry, there is only the perfect match between the jewelry and the wearer. If you tell us about your loved one's style, wardrobe and their preferences, we can find the perfect piece for them.


There are countless shapes and designs in the world of rings, and when it comes to diamond jewelry, the endless possibilities of combinations of stone and ring are even more exciting. Before you visit us, it's worth choosing a few of your favorite styles.


The ring itself can be made from several different types of gold, so it's important to observe or photograph your loved one's skin tone and color, so that our expert colleagues can help you pick the perfect shade.

Rólunk írták

A bizalom kincs, ezért számunkra nincs fontosabb visszajelzés, mint elégedett vásárlóinké.
„Egyszeri, egyedi és megismételhetetlen” – ilyen az a gyűrűpár, amelyet Rácz Jenő sztárséf és párja, a csodaszép Gyuricza Dóra álmodtak meg üzletünkben.

Rácz Jenő

„Mesés üzlet, de ami ennél is fontosabb: egy percig sem éreztem magam elveszettnek és segítettek a tökéletes eljegyzési gyűrű megtalálásában. Köszönöm!”

Molnár Dorka

„A sok stresszel járó esküvőszervezés során csodálatos volt megérkezni a Moni's-ba, ahol elkényeztettek minket és sikerült kiválasztanunk azt a gyűrűpárt, amit életünk végéig boldogan viselünk majd.”

Kovács Alíz


Moni's Moments offers you the opportunity to book an appointment - enjoy our exclusive attention and our experts' professional consultancy. We are here to help you design the perfect piece of jewelry. 

Book an appointmnet

Meet us at Moni's Moments by booking an appointment.
  • Helyszínválasztás
  • Select Service
  • Select Service Extras
  • Select Agent
  • Select Date & Time
  • Enter Information
  • Verify Order Details
  • Sikeres foglalás


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Válaszd ki melyik üzletünkbe szeretnél jönni!

Select Service

Please select a service for which you want to schedule an appointment

Select Service Extras

Select service extras you want to add to your booking.

Select Agent

You can pick a specific agent to perform your service or select any to automatically assign you one

Select Date & Time

Click on a date to see a timeline of available slots, click on a green time slot to reserve it

Enter Information

Please provide you contact details so we can send you a confirmation and other contact info

Verify Order Details

Double check your reservation details and click submit button if everything is correct

Sikeres foglalás

Várunk szeretettel!
Call (858) 939-3746 for help

Válassz helyszínt

Válassz helyszínt
Service Selection
Select Service Extras
Agent Selection
Date & Time Selection
Customer Information
Foglalásod részletei
Sikeres foglalás
Moni's Diamond Budapest
1051 Budapest, October 6 streets 6.
Moni's Diamond Boutique Balatonfüred
8230 Balatonfüred, Zákonyi Ferenc utca 3/B